During the morning's series of Fire Drills, known as "OPERATION: Frrr," the student body was evacuated twice. While organizing the lines, a teacher noticed that Al Sultan was not outside lined up. It was feared that he was still inside the building. "We're pretty sure he's alright," said one StuCo representative, "but lets look at the facts. If anybody would be caught in a burning school, it would be Al." Al was reportedly wearing a new shirt today.
Later, during lunch, it was reported that Saka Charles, heir to the Hillel throne, was "lost somewhere in Trenton." The twitterverse exploded with tweets, and the hashtag #WheresSaka was trending within minutes. Rumors reached the Update that he was carrying Nathan Betesh's Glatt Bite, but that is unconfirmed. The world stood still for 10 minutes until Mr. Charles finally came in the back door to the Shalom Lounge.
"There's a sign on the way that says 'Shore Points,'" explained Charles, "and everybody says you go the way thats not 'Shore Points.' So I went the not 'Shore Points' way. On the way back, I saw the 'Shore Points' sign, and I thought, you're not supposed to go the 'Shore Points' way, so I went the not 'Shore Points' way. Turns out, on the way back, you're supposed to YES go the 'Shore Points' way. I'm so bad at this."
(This Update reporter knows the sign he was talking about, and it actually only reads 'Shore Point' with no pluralization.)
MEANwhile, Al was still lost. The smartest students in the school were called to brainstorm, but they were unavailable. AP Chem was called instead. The idea put forth by Mrthcrll "Mrtch" Prrkrr was to assemble a search party to find the lost student. Following the example of the National Guard, a group of students began playing soldier and assembled a group willing to go. "This is the second time Al got lost," commented Prrkrr, "and we're doing it right this time."
The search party, in uniform
The assembled search party consisted of the AP English (Language) class. The members put on matching Army uniforms, complete with hoods, and set out on the Hillel campus to find Al. Fresh footprints were found on Charles Field, and three students followed them into the forest. They shortly radioed Hillel Base, or H-Base, that they did not find Al, but instead encountered an old enemy -- the Hillel Killer Goose.The students wandered the building, randomly shouting "rrrrAL! rAL! RRRRaL!" to get the lost student attention. He was eventually located in the "Kaparot" courtyard outside the Purple Doors, a location rarely visited by students. This small enclosure is used to perform the famed "chicken swing" for the ELC, and is used by the HS during fire drills.
"He was asleep on the bench" commented the student who found him.