Hillel Update strives to provide a witty, satirical view of current events at Hillel Yeshiva HS. VeNomar Amen.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ovadia Administration Celebrates Presidents' Day

Written by: Inc

DEAL, NJ -- Hillel students have been rejoicing all weekend for the extra day off they get on Monday for the holiday. But nobody has been looking forward to President's Day more than Hillel Student Council President Ovadia Harary. While it seems like a holiday signifying nothing more than another day of sleeping in and a sale at a car dealership, the Ovadia Administration feels otherwise, and has announced plans to celebrate.

On Monday morning, Ovadia hosted a formal brunch, inviting high profile presidents from the community and beyond. Former Hillel Student Council Presidents Albert Tawil, Joseph Bouganim, and Morris Mishan were rumored to be in attendance. This calls into a question why Ovadia's predecessor, Joey Sultan was not extended an invite. 

"When we sat down to invite the former presidents, we could not remember who last year's president was.  Our advisors thought intensely for about 20 minutes, and we even consulted the Student Council.  Nobody was able to remember the name.  As a matter of fact, nobody was able to remember anything that Student Council actually did either," said the Ovadia Administration in a statement Sunday. Joey Sultan could not be reached for comment.

Sammy Saka, President of Hillel Yeshiva, was invited as the keynote speaker, preparing a motivational lecture about Tor'eh uMitzbot.  However, it came as a letdown when the keynote speaker was actually 11th Grader Sammy Saka of North Miami Beach, Florida.  

"Much thanks to Ovadia Harary for inviting me to this esteemed Hillel event.  I'm honored to be a part of it, considering I am not a President and I am not in Hillel," said Saka in his keynote speech.
"It seems we invited the wrong Sammy Saka," said the Ovadia Administration.

Other guests included former Hillel 8th Grade President Richard Tawil, West Deal Shul President Raymond Saka, Boat's Boats Inc. President Jack Alboucai, Central Jersey Custodial Union President Hubert Esteme, and Superbowl Champion New York Giants President Steve Tisch. New York Knick Jeremy Lin, despite not being a president of any kind, was extended a linvitation.

Hillel's Chief CPA and Navi Teacher has contacted the Ovadia Administration, claiming that he was more than deserving of an invitation.  The Administration quickly responded to said Rav, citing a misunderstanding. "It seems you are a West Deal Shul resident, not a West Deal Shul president." said the Ovadia Administration in a letter obtained by the Update.

President Harary leading the parade.
Photo by Lee Matalon
On Tuesday morning, Ovadia Harary has planned a President's Day parade.  The route starts on Seven Presidents Beach, goes through Monmouth University, down Monmouth Road, through Fireman's Field, and concludes in the small circle by 9:05am. ELC bus service has been cancelled for Tuesday, confirmed by Yateesha.

Ovadia Harary has personally invited all Hillel Yeshiva High School students to the parade.  The Hillel Offices have taken it a step further, claiming that all students attend the parade will get a free period.  Shacharit will be held starting promptly at 8:05am at the start of the parade. Chazzan Saka Charles will be on Ovadia's float throwing lebez immediately after Aleinu. Mr. Charles has confirmed that Presidents' Day is, in fact, a Yehi Shem day.

"We hope to make this holiday a new tradition for Hillel Presidents," said Ovadia Harary.
When asked if it was true that the celebrations were being paid for as Student Council expenses, the Ovadia Administration declined to comment. The investigation will be led by a financial expert who has requested to remain identified solely as "Hacham E."

Inc is an anonymous contributor to the Hillel Update.

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