Hillel Update strives to provide a witty, satirical view of current events at Hillel Yeshiva HS. VeNomar Amen.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Local Student Is Great

DEAL, NJ -- While the population of Hillel disagrees about many things, a unanimous consensus is that David Cohen is great. The student (who is great) attends High Honors and AP classes, which makes him great. He is also on the Basketball team, which also makes him great.

"Derb's great" commented a bystander in Mr. Cohen's class.

Polls were taken, titled "Rate Dave from 1-to-great." The results unsurprisingly showed that Dave is great.

Recently, one of his peers put a math problem on the board. Cohen exclaimed "yeah, I got it right." The peer responded "Derb, you're great." Another problem was practiced, to which the answer was 6. When Cohen got 7, at least three people told him that he was great (because he's great).

"Dave is great" said a fellow student of his.
Dave, being great

In another class, Mr. Cohen was presented with a Moleskine for writing a good timed essay. Another student loudly questioned the teacher, "YOU KNOW DAVE? HE'S GREAT."

David Cohen (who is great, by the way) did not yet comment on how great he is. Even though we are yet to hear his opinion, we do know, for a fact, that "he's great."

You can follow David Cohen on Twitter @derbcohen. He's great

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